Kamis, 29 Maret 2018

It's Who Makes a Potent Stomach

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It's Who Makes a Potent Stomach


Jakarta, Pot belly is indeed a problem for some people. Belly stomach is not just faced by people who are weight gain, but people with good body weight too, often have a distended stomach. This is the food that makes belly fast. High-fat foods are the main cause of excess fat in the abdomen. The fat content of undigested food is quickly stored as fat in the body. However, it is not meaningful to avoid all types of foods that have fat content so that the stomach is not bloated. Because some fats include also good fats or healthy fats. Kira-we what foods are good shunned so the stomach is not bloated? Some good foods shunned so as not to have a distended stomach as taken from ThatsFit, Friday (16/12/2011) include: 1. Salt Avoid foods that contain lots of salt and foods are processed with salt. Water is attracted to sodium, until the consumption of foods with higher salt content, can result in fluid retention. It can lead to feelings of lethargy, a fatter look, and the weight of addition of water. 2. Excellence Carbohydrates As a reserve resource, the body muscles can put the type of carbohydrate in question glycogen. Each g of stored glycogen is equivalent to about 3 g of water. But except when doing physical exercise or exercise, so the benefits of carbohydrates will not be stored. Decreased consumption of carbohydrates for a moment when it can train the body to connect the stored fuel and burn it. When the same, the body will also drain the benefits of stored fluids. 3. Raw vegetables and fruits with sweetener One 1/2 the number of carrot cups made to provide the same nutrients as a cup of raw carrots, but also will swallow a little room in the digestive tract. So it's good to consume vegetables made, small amount of fruit, and canned fruits in natural juice without any sweetener. The choice of food will also be possible to meet the nutritional needs without any extension of the digestive tract with extra volume. 4. Foods that have a gas content The specific food causes more gas in the digestive tract. The food includes peas, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, onions, peppers, and citrus fruits. 5. High Drink Alcoholic acid, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and fruit juice that has acid content, semasing high acid beverage that can menghematasi digestive tract and cause swelling. 6. Frying foods Fatty foods, especially those fried, result in slower processing. Surely it causes the stomach feel heavy and bloated. For a healthy diet is not meaningless not to eat fat though, but fatty foods are taken is a healthy type of fat. Good or healthy fats can be referred to as MUFA, called fatty acids are not tired. MUFA is good for people who are hard to lose belly fat. MUFA can be found in oils (such as olive oil), olives, nuts, seeds, avocados, and chocolate. 7. Spicy foodsFood flavored with black pepper, nutmeg, cloves, chili powder, hot sauce, onion, garlic, mustard, barbeque sauce, radishes, sauces, tomato sauce, or vinegar can all stimulate gastric acid release. Gastric acid release can cause irritation. Irritation of the stomach may result in swelling. 8. Carbonated Drink Carbonated drinks contain air bubbles. Surely the bubbles will also be finished in the stomach. So stay away from carbonated beverages. 9. Candy RubberBut people who do not understand when chewing gum, will also swallow air. All air that is entangled in the gastrointestinal tract can lead to urge, bloating, and abdominal expansion. 10. Alcohol Sugar Sugar substitutes, such as xylitol or maltitol, are often found in low-calorie or low-carbohydrate products such as cookies, candies, and chocolates. Like fiber, the digestive tract can not absorb some of the food. Food products that are low-calorie, but not so good for the stomach. Alcohol sugar causes gas, abdominal distension, bloating and diarrhea.

(ir / ir)

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It's He Who Make Jakarta Potato Bloated, Belly Stomach is a problem for many people. Belly stomach is not only experienced by people who are overweight, but people with even ideal weight, often have a distended stomach. This is the food that makes the stomach quickly bloated.Food high fat is the main cause of excessive fat in the stomach. The fat content in the undigested food is quickly stored as fat in the body. However, it does not mean having to avoid all types of foods that contain fat so that the stomach is not distended. Because some fats include good fats or healthy fats. Kira-us what foods should be avoided so that the stomach is not bloated? Some foods should be avoided so as not to have a distended stomach as quoted from ThatsFit, Friday (16/12/2011), among others: 1. Salt Avoid foods that contain lots of salt and foods processed with salt. Water is attracted to sodium, so when eating foods containing higher salts, it can cause fluid retention. It can cause feelings of lethargy, fatter appearance, and extra weight from water. Excess Carbohydrates As a source of reserve energy, the muscles of the body can store a type of carbohydrate called glycogen. Each gram of stored glycogen is equivalent to about 3 grams of water. But unless you do physical exercise or exercise, the excess carbohydrates will not be stored. A temporary decrease in carbohydrate intake can train the body to access stored fuel and burn it. At the same time, the body will drain the excess fluid stored.3. Raw vegetables and fruits with sweeteners One half serving of cooked carrot cups provides the same nutrients as a cup of raw carrots, but it will take up less room in the digestive tract. So you should eat cooked vegetables, small portions of fruit, and canned fruits inside unsweetened natural juice. The choice of food will make it possible to meet nutritional needs without extending the digestive tract with extra volume.4. Foods that contain gas Some foods cause more gas in the digestive tract. They include peas, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, onions, peppers, and citrus fruits. High alcoholic drinks, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and acid-containing fruit juices, each high-acid beverage can irritate the digestive tract and cause swelling. Fried foods, especially fried ones, cause digestion more slowly. Surely it causes the stomach feels heavy and bloated. For a healthy diet does not mean not eating fat at all, but the selected fatty foods are healthy types of fat. Good or healthy lumps can be called with MUFA, which is a monounsaturated fatty acids. MUFA is good for people who are difficult to lose belly fat. MUFA can be found in oils (such as olive oil), olives, nuts, seeds, avocados, and chocolate. Spicy foods Flavored with black pepper, nutmeg, cloves, chili powder, hot sauce, onion, garlic, mustard, barbeque sauce, radishes, sauces, tomato sauce, or vinegar can all stimulate gastric acid release.Gastric acid release can cause irritation. Stomach irritation can cause swelling. Carbonated Drink Carbonated drinks contain air bubbles. Of course the bubbles will end in the stomach. Then avoid carbonated beverages.9. Chewing GumShoes people who do not realize when chewing gum, will swallow air. All air trapped in the gastrointestinal tract can cause pressure, bloating, and abdominal expansion.10. Alcohol Sugar Sugar substitutes, such as xylitol or maltitol, are often found in low-calorie or low-carb products such as cookies, candy, and chocolate. Like fiber, the gastrointestinal tract can not absorb most of the food. Food products are indeed low in calories, but not so good for the stomach. Alcohol sugar causes gas, abdominal distension, bloating and diarrhea. (ir / ir)

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Rabu, 07 Maret 2018

'Washed' Blutwäsche, sollte es lebenslang sein?

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'Washed' Blutwäsche, sollte es lebenslang sein?


Jakarta, Wenn jemand die Dialyse von einem Arzt "verurteilt", bedeutet das, dass eine lebenslange Dialyse durchgeführt werden muss? Lassen Sie uns die Erklärung des Arztes sehen. Blut war wie eine Medizin. Also jemand mit Nierenversagen, wie ein Schalldämpfer, dessen Motor kaputt ist, gefährliches Material kann nicht raus. Da es mit Dialyse ausgestellt wurde, sagte Dr. Akbari Wahyudi Kusumah, Spu aus Mayapada Lebak Bulus Krankenhaus am Rande des Live-Chat "Nieren und Probleme" in der Zentrale AFP, Jl Warung Jati West Raya, South Jakarta, Mittwoch (8/3 / 2017). Mit Dialyse, fuhr Dr. Akbari fort, erholte sich die vergiftete Niere schnell. Nun, um herauszufinden, zuerst die Nierenschädigung von diesen Patienten zu verursachen. Bei akutem Nierenversagen, gruppiert nach dem Ort der Harnwege von prä renalen, renalen und postnierenbedingten Ursachen betroffen. Prä-renales Nierenversagen tritt außerhalb der Niere auf, was auf Störungen in anderen Organen wie Herz, Leber und Darm zurückzuführen ist. Wenn das Problem in anderen Organen gelöst ist, kann die Bedingung wiederhergestellt werden. Nur mit Dialyse einmal, in der Regel hat sich verbessert, wenn die Probleme in anderen Organen behandelt wurden, erklärte Dr. Akbari.Lesen Sie auch: Wirklich Drogenkonsum in langfristigen Trigger Nierenerkrankungen? Bei Niereninsuffizienz ist die Niere wegen Toxin problematisch. Dies könnte auf Medikamente zurückzuführen sein, wie die übermäßige Verwendung von Schmerzmitteln, Transplantaten und Antibiotika. Dr. Akbari sagte, in bestimmten Drogen haben Kontrastmittel, die die Nieren stören können, aber das ist nur vorübergehend. Die Gefahr besteht bei Menschen, die sehr leicht Anti-Schmerz-Medikamente einnehmen, bei denen Anti-Schmerzmittel wie Nüsse gegessen werden. Regelschmerzen, sofort trinken. Kopfschmerz ein wenig, gerade trinken, fuhr dieser bebrillte Arzt fort.Außerdem müssen bei Menschen mit Autoimmunkrankheiten, bei denen die Nieren seinen eigenen Körper angreifen, sie ständig einer Dialyse unterzogen werden. Autoimmunerkrankungen sind die Ursache, ist noch unbekannt. Bei post-renaler Niereninsuffizienz kommt es nach den Nieren zu einem Harnabfluss, der durch Faktoren verursacht wird, die den Harnfluss beeinflussen, weil es eine Blockade im Kanal gibt, so Dr. Akbari. Damit werden die Ärzte unter anderem damit fertig werden Kanal neu oder reinigen Sie die Steine ​​im Verstopfungskanal. Bei der Dialyse kommt es auf jede Ursache an. Wash Blut ist, um Giftstoffe aufgrund Nierenfunktionsversagen loszuwerden, anstatt die Nieren zu verbessern, Dr. Akbari. Lesen Sie auch: Nicht faules Trinkwasser, Nieren können leiden (vit / up)





Minggu, 04 Maret 2018

Le coppie sono pronte ad avere bambini o no, qual è il segno?

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Le coppie sono pronte ad avere bambini o no, qual è il segno?


Jakarta, Desideroso di avere una coppia di coppie di coppie (coppie) con figli in età post matrimonio. Ma tieni a mente, se qualcuno pronto per avere un bambino dipende da ogni persona. Bene, psichicamente, riesci a vedere i segni quando qualcuno è pronto ad avere figli? Psicologo clinico adulto di Three Generations, Sri Juwita Kusumawardhani MPsi., Psicologo dice che i segni psichici sono pronti se qualcuno ha un figlio o meno non è visto direttamente nella persona fisica. Ma può essere visto dal suo comportamento. Ad esempio, è disposto a fare sacrifici per gli altri, e in grado di prendersi cura di se stessi e degli altri, ha detto che la donna che è familiarmente chiamata Wita sta parlando di recente con detikHealth. Poi, un altro segno che l'interessato ama se stesso o sta cercando di amare me stesso. Si dice Wita, se la persona ha ancora molti problemi del passato, questo è ciò che può essere la radice della violenza per suo figlio un giorno. Ricorda, la violenza non è solo fisica, ma può anche essere fatta a livello emotivo, verbale o anche sotto forma di abbandono, ha sottolineato la donna che pratica anche in questa Clinica di Psichiatria Applicata UI. Leggi anche: Domande ragionevolmente sbagliate quando le donne sposano uomini Far Older, un altro segno che potrebbe indicare la disponibilità di una persona ad avere un figlio è che lui o lei è in grado di essere responsabile. Questa responsabilità, ha detto Wita, non è solo finanziariamente, ma anche comportamentale. Wita ha sottolineato quando qualcuno ha un lavoro ben definito anche ricco, ma gli piace ubriacarlo significa che non può assumersi la responsabilità. Così anche quando era scortese con se stesso o con gli altri, l'interessato non può essere responsabile. Il segno della disponibilità ad avere un figlio successivo che è aperto all'apprendimento e al cambiamento successivo, il desiderio di avere figli molto più grandi della sua paura. Importante anche ricordare non necessariamente persone sposate che sono pronte ad avere figli. Perché sposarsi e avere figli sono due cose diverse. Sposato idealmente coinvolge due adulti capaci di prendersi reciprocamente cura, responsabilità reciproca e tollerarsi a vicenda. Nel frattempo, essere genitori significa che dobbiamo essere la parte che cura, cura e protegge un bambino debole. Non tutti sono pronti ad assumersi la responsabilità di quella taglia, ha detto Wita. Leggi anche: Studio: Uomini e donne hanno sposato il suo cuore più sano di un singolo (rdn / vit)